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Moat Matters: Direction vs. Width

“A wide-moat company is like a soccer team that only gets to playfriendlies.” (Rob Vinall) In the annals of overused corporate clichés, few match the immortal words of Walter Gretzky, as passed on to the world through his son Wayne:

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Behind the Monster Hunt

“When you analyze what happened, the big money’s been made in high-quality businesses.” (Charlie Munger) Let me kick off 2024 with another behind-the-scenes piece to show you how our analysts aim to identify new EVA Monster candidates every year. Before

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All That Glitters is Not Gold

We never wanted the FALCON Method to be a black box. Hence, we are eager to invite you behind the scenes and give an inside view of how we operate our stock selection process. Lately, Italian company Moncler (known for

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