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Here you will find my current, most recent posts. This is especially for those who have already read the above content.

Coat-tailing Done Right

“You can borrow someone’s ideas but not their conviction.” Several members sent us anxious emails after learning that “superinvestor” Mohnish Pabrai had sold ~80% of his Alibaba holding during the third quarter of 2021. While monitoring the 13F filings of

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Curators of Wealth

“Our attitude is that of a museum director: we only want to own masterpieces.” (François Rochon) Chances are that, just like us until a couple of weeks ago, you have never heard of Giverny Capital, even though the name might

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Keep It in the Family

“If a restaurant has an absentee owner, over time the service quality will slip and the waiters will have their hand in the till.” (Robert Vinall) Our goal with exceptional quality-growth businesses is to become long-term owners. This essentially means

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Hitting the Sweet Spot

“The biggest mistakes I’ve made by far are mistakes of omission and not commission.” (Warren Buffett) This blog post is dedicated to providing a behind-the-scenes look at how subjective considerations can influence the compilation of the monthly Top 10 for

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