Build Passive Income and Wealth with Confidence
Achieve superior results in a low-stress way with the evidence-based stock selection process of the FALCON Method.
Click the button to learn about our 7-step process of identifying potential investment opportunities in the stock market. (No registration required.)

The FALCON METHOD is an evidence-based strategy for the thoughtful long-term investor...
My investment strategy will not change your life at the click of a button, so no fancy sales copy here. Instead of salesmanship, I specialize in the in-depth analysis of companies to systematically uncover those opportunities in the market that offer great returns and let you sleep well at night.
If you are eager to learn about stock investing and ready for some serious talk, feel free to pick a topic:

The TRUTH about dividend investing
Learn about the secret sauce to dividend investing to ramp up your returns…

What You Call Value Investing is Plain WRONG
Is that stock attractively valued? Your beloved multiples may FOOL you…

Finding the best stocks in today's market
Let me introduce you to the EVA framework and show you where the REAL profits are…
Investing was my most Expensive "Hobby" Until I Figured Out How to Do it Right...
My investment results started to become consistently good after I could clearly describe what I was doing as a structured process.
Where I am now seems to be a quantum leap from my initial stumbling phase. Since I noticed that my results kept improving as my knowledge grew, I got hooked on investing books and courses.
- I have read hundreds of books on stock investing, most of which shouldn’t have been written in the first place. (Knowing what I know now.)
- I completed Columbia Business School’s Value Investing and Advanced Value Investing courses. (Columbia is dubbed the cradle of value investing as that’s where Ben Graham taught Warren Buffett.)
- I wrote two books on stock investing and a third one about my personal development through investing and sports.
If you are interested in my story and how I became financially free by my early 30s coming from a small Eastern European country…

David Sólyomi, Founder
Are you ready to take your knowledge and investing strategy to the next level?
Learn the most valuable lessons from my investing career completely free. Insights, calculations, and concepts very few investors understand yet. Take this 90-minute webinar, and I bet you’ll get a whole new perspective on stock investing. If not, I’m ready to give your money back…
Oh wait: It’s 100% FREE!
Sceptical? Don't just take my word for it,
see what others are saying:

Okay, I do have some stuff for sale too…
The One And Only Subscription You Will Ever Need To Get The Investment Results You Have Always Wanted...
I was doing just fine on my own, investing in stocks, and having a good time, not worrying about building a company.
But like many other stories, this one also starts with some friends…and some beers…
They bombarded me with questions about how I picked stocks and built my portfolio. (It was all about dividend investing back then.) And they kept nagging me for more and more. So I finally said: okay, I will do a quick course, just once, and just for you guys!
What ended up happening is that I really enjoyed teaching about stocks.
Feeding my newly discovered passion, I started teaching dividend investing and also wrote a book on the topic. Teaching forces you to go deeper, so my strategy kept getting better and better. The turning point came when I had to buy access to better (institutional-level) data to improve further. My costs skyrocketed as a result, and my stock selection process was no longer easy or cheap to copy.
I knew I had to do something about this, and I never really fancied the classic route of going into fund management because of the high-cost nature of the industry that does serious harm to clients. (In fact, I turned down a couple of offers down the road to launch a fund with my name and strategy.)
On the other hand, I always liked the idea of investment newsletters where thousands of subscribers can capitalize on someone else’s work for a low price compared to the cost of mutual funds or even ETFs. (Just a quick calculation: If you started out investing $30,000 and added $3,000 annually over the next 15 years, a standard mutual fund with an 8% return and a 1% annual fee would cost you $19,702. I wanted to give a much better deal to those who trusted me…)
This is how my FALCON Method Newsletter service was born.
Now, with thousands of subscribers, I can afford the highest level of data subscriptions and an experienced analyst team working for me, and FOR ALL OF US in the FALCON community.
The Newsletter is a great investment for those who take the time to understand the basics...
If you are not yet familiar with the EVA concept and the FALCON Method’s evidence-based strategy, I suggest taking this free 90-minute webinar first. (No strings attached.)