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Every Month
Stop worrying and spending long hours trying to make thoughtful investment decisions.
Start investing in high-quality, high-return stocks based on institutional-level data.
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Get the List of Top10 Stocks Straight to Your Inbox Every Month
Stop worrying and spending long hours to make the thoughtful investment decisions.
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I really wish I had found this 10 years ago. That would have saved me hundreds of hours of tedious research and thousands of wasted dollars. ” – Raphael
You could benefit from all these in the not too distant future
You could benefit from all these:

Reliable passive income
A steady stream of dependable and growing passive income.

Save time
No need to spend all your precious time working on the financial area of your life; use the most effective way to reach your goal instead!

Long-term Growth
High probability of inflation-beating capital appreciation.

Peace of Mind
Live a meaningful life knowing that your investments are working for you in the way that it was meant to be.

Low Risk
As a result of an evidence-based approach.

Keep it Simple
Achieve all these without becoming a full-time investment professional.
If you overcame this problem
It takes several years of devoted learning and independent thinking to figure out an evidence-based way of investing that really works. You will most likely make expensive mistakes along the way, but the painful lessons of the “learning by doing” phase are unavoidable.
After having read hundreds of investment books and distilling their contents to build your structured decision making process (that is absolutely necessary for consistent results); you will notice that not only the learning took time but operating your system does take up long hours and a 5-digit dollar amount annually. This latter sum you need to pay for institutional-level data like EVA (Economic Value Added) that are hardly available for small investors.
At this point you may feel that these requirements are way too much since you do not want to become a full-time investor.
Instead of giving up, you turn to another direction…
And this is where most people go
terribly wrong
When noticing the time and money requirements of making thoughtful investment decisions on their own, most people tend to give up the control and hand over their hard-earned cash to “investment professionals” at mutual funds.
The typical mutual fund charges 1% of assets under management on an annual basis and clients are paying this for mediocre performance (at best).
I believe your money should be working on your account instead of making some already well-off Wall Street guy richer.
Overwhelmingly, mutual funds extract enormous sums from investors in exchange for providing a shocking disservice.”
David Swensen, Chief Investment Officer, Yale
What’s the solution then?
So it’s not the mutual funds that will give you financial freedom, while going your own way seems too expensive and time-consuming.
But wait! Why would you make pointless efforts to reinvent the wheel, when I’ve already gone through all the “figuring out” phase?
You don’t have to, since I am here to share the ready-to-use stock picks of my totally transparent, evidence-based investment framework called the FALCON Method in the form of a monthly newsletter.
The FALCON Method is a unique process I have built based on years of learning and experience. You may find some services out there offering individual elements, certain pieces of this process, but the truth is that these steps are logically connected, and if you leave one out, you either become vulnerable to costly mistakes or lower the probability of high performance.
You have plenty of reasons to utilize a true and tried, proven system when you put your money to work:
Reason #1
Experimenting is like throwing money down the drain, it is utterly expensive.
Reason #2
The trial-and-error approach means you would waste enormous amount of time (along with the money).
Reason #3
Experimenting is like gambling with your hard-earned cash, it is stressful and impacts the other areas of your life.
Let me introduce the
FALCON Method Newsletter
With the FALCON Method Newsletter you can invest like a pro without devoting your whole life to stock selection and monitoring. And the price is only a tiny fraction
of the fees you would pay for a mutual fund.

As a subscriber you will benefit from:
- A steady stream of passive income (in the form of dependable and growing dividends).
- High probability of inflation-beating capital appreciation.
- Peace of mind, since an evidence-based system is working for you.
- More free time, as our team is putting in all the effort (time, money, and knowledge) to operate the FALCON Method for you.
Instant Access – No Obligations – Opt Out at Any Time
So what’s Inside the Newsletter?
Market Pulse
An introduction, where I am sharing my opinion on the market, highlighting some news and opportunities worth paying attention to, or simply illustrating an important investment concept with current examples. By reading this, subscribers of the FALCON Method Newsletter become better investors and decision-makers.
The Top 10
This is exactly what you think it is; the list of the 10 highest-ranking stocks that survived all the filtering and met our rigorous quantitative and qualitative criteria. These stocks offer the best opportunities in the current market environment.
Short Analyses
For the companies in the Top 10, I am sharing all the key data and considerations in the form of an easy-to-understand analysis. This part is to help you understand my thought process, along with the background of the investment opportunities the FALCON Method has identified.
Top Picks of the Month
When compiling the newsletter and distilling all the details, the best opportunities usually stand out from the rest of the pack. To provide additional value, I am openly sharing which stock or stocks I am most eager to buy. I also let you know the underlying thought process, so this part is both educational and useful.
When to Sell
The FALCON Method is not a trading system but a buy-and-hold approach, so it employs very simple rules for selling that are not too often triggered. That said, I always send an email alert when one of the stocks in our FALCON Portfolio becomes a sell.
Help to Get Started
A 3-part video bundle helps you make the most of your membership right from the start, while a 60-minute free course explains all the underlying concepts and calculations to improve your investment skills. It’s up to you how deep you want to go.
Top Results with Less Effort
The FALCON Method Newsletter Offers Access To Institutional-Level Data And Professional Analyses For The Best Price Possible:
Our valuations are based on EVA (Economic Value Added).
EVA measures the real value creation of a company by addressing accounting distortions, making it superior to other generally used metrics like cash flow, earnings, or EBITDA.
Calculating EVA is neither easy nor cheap. We spend more than $15,000 annually on data and related visualization tools to create the highest quality newsletter possible.
In short, EVA is superior because:
- It doesn’t treat shareholders’ capital as free money (like GAAP accounting does)
- It takes the business owner’s perspective when treating R&D and advertising spending as investments instead of instantly expensing them.
- All in all, this approach remedies all the severe distortions of GAAP accounting.
With the help of the EVA framework, we can arrive at better fair value estimations and determine how much of the business value comes from expected future growth.
We call the handful of companies that meet all our rigorous criteria on quality and profitable growth “EVA Monsters.”

The stocks of EVA Monster companies tend to deliver market-beating total returns, as the data shows.
Instant Access – No Obligations – Opt Out at Any Time
Feel free to email me at with any questions you might have.
Don't just take my word for it,
see what others are saying:

I have been seeking a good investing system for many years. After studying and started using the Falcon Method I knew that I have found the ultimate one. Warning, it leads to addiction!

I have read a couple of books about dividend investing but David’s approach is the best by far. His down to earth and simple yet structured and systematic method reflects how much effort and time he has put into his work. I have been using his method for almost 3 years now and all I can tell is that I love it. I still need to learn a lot, but he is easily accessible and helps with all my questions. Thanks David! Keep up the good work 😉

As a lawyer, I can make really good money, but I’ve never been taught how to invest it. I’ve been reading some books on this topic, but most of them were rather frustrating. I felt they were not written for me. That said, this process you call the Falcon Method seems so logical it’s hard to believe you are the first to come up with it. I feel comfortable since I understand the approach, and the newsletter gives me the exact type of help I was looking for.

The Falcon Method helped me approach investing differently. It gave me the confidence to know exactly when and where to invest my money without the pain of spending long hours glued to the screen to figure out where the market is. It literally saves me 10+ hours of research every month.

I have tried many different investing approaches before, but most of them were too complicated to follow, and the ones that were simple didn’t prove to be effective. This newsletter provides all the information I needed to start investing with confidence, no more, no less. I can finally stop searching for the ‘right method’ and start focusing on the actual investing. Thanks for coming up with such a service!
What are all these benefits
worth to you?
What are all these benefits worth to you?
We are using institutional-level data to remedy accounting distortions and identify the most promising investment candidates in any kind of market.
Let me repeat that such a complex process requires huge amounts of data, structured and illustrated in a certain way so that one can filter, rank, and analyze hundreds of stocks.
These tools together cost me more than $15,000 annually at the time of this writing. (And prices of the underlying services are trending up.)
Even if you are willing to put in all the work yourself, you may not have the portfolio size that makes paying more than $15,000 annually for data and visualization services reasonable.
And this is just the money part of the equation since the value of your time and effort is really hard to quantify.
I had a serious decision to make about pricing. I did not want to create an “elite service” for just a few people who could afford the high standard I am committed to providing, so I set the annual subscription rate of the FALCON Method Newsletter at a very reasonable level of $597.
Why would you pay thousands of dollars to a mutual fund manager every year when this newsletter solves the problem of investing in the right stocks?
The price of the newsletter is
only $597 per year
The FALCON Method Newsletter can be the cornerstone of your financial future and is worth much more than $50 per month.
Remember, you get the list of Top 10 stocks straight to your inbox every month that helps you achieve great results with less effort. Now it’s your turn to make a decision that, in fact, is totally risk-free.
Instant Access – No Obligations – Opt Out at Any Time
Feel free to email me at with any questions you might have.

What is a Free Trial?
The FALCON Method Newsletter currently has a risk-free trial; pay nothing for 7 days. After signing up, you can instantly access the membership area, where you will find the latest and all the previous issues of the newsletter.
If you don’t feel the newsletter is the right fit for you, just send me an email at saying you want to opt out within your trial period, and you will pay nothing. No small print: absolutely no restrictions and no obligations.
You do have options,
but only one makes sense
You do have options, but only one makes sense
Option #1: Do nothing
You are surely not the kind of person who is not taking action when your financial future is at stake. So I only included this option for the sake of completeness.
Option #2: The Do-It-Yourself way
While you could be capable of operating the FALCON Method on your own, I don’t think it makes too much sense. Remember, you will have to fork up more than $15,000 annually just for the data and required tools. On top of this, you will need to invest a serious amount of time and money to learn everything about stock investing and do the labor-intensive tasks of the process like qualitative analysis, which requires experience. If, for some reason, you opt for this route, give yourself at least 3 years for the learning part; that is the bare minimum to read and learn all that is necessary. (I’ve gone through this phase, and that 3-year timeframe is rather an underestimation than an exaggeration.)
Option #3: Utilize the FALCON Method Newsletter
You can hire me (and a team of experienced analysts) to operate this stock selection system for you for a fraction of the true value of such a service. This is the best option for 99% of the people. (The remaining 1% are the most hardcore investment enthusiasts like me.)
Join Now and Access the Newest Edition of the Newsletter Immediately.
Try it for Free for 7 Days – No Obligations – Opt Out at Any Time
Feel free to email me at with any questions you might have.
Fair Questions, Honest Answers
If you ever see someone advertising such a thing, close your wallet and run. Guaranteeing future performance is impossible. The most valuable guarantee I can give you is about integrity and total honesty. I eat my own cooking since I invest in the stocks included in the newsletter. I have achieved financial freedom with this approach, so I will stick to this evidence-based method that is statistically proven to tilt the odds of superior performance in my favor. By subscribing to the newsletter, you hire me and my team to operate the FALCON Method for you with all the experience and knowledge we have accumulated throughout the years. We will do our best; this is what I guarantee.
It depends on what your goal is. Half an hour a month is more than enough to run through the list of Top 10 stocks and have a look at the Top Picks so that you can make your buying decisions. However, if you want to study all the details in the stock by stock analysis section of the newsletter, you might need some hours depending on the level of your current experience and understanding. The newsletter can make you a better investor if you are devoted to that purpose, or it can simply highlight the best stocks for you in any given market environment.
Yes. I am not using jargon to showcase my expertise since I want to help everyone who cares about their financial future and is ready to take action. If you do not understand something, I am always available; just email me at
I can tell you honestly that a complex process like the FALCON Method requires huge amounts of data, structured and illustrated in a certain way so that one can filter, rank, and analyze hundreds of stocks. These tools together cost me more than 15,000 USD annually at the time of this writing. And this is just the money part of the equation since the value of my time and effort is hard to quantify.
Considering you get the ready-to-use results of this process for a fraction of the price I am paying for the raw data, the subscription fee is basically a steal.
Whether your portfolio returns will cover the subscription price depends on if you will stick to the strategy or not. The stock market is unpredictable in the short run, so you should only subscribe to the newsletter once you are ready to follow the strategy for years to come. Do not gamble on next year’s performance; go for the high probability of long-term outperformance instead. This is the desirable attitude that will get you results dwarfing the subscription fee.
We are using institutional-level data (like EVA, which stands for Economic Value Added) to remedy accounting distortions and identify the most promising investment candidates in any kind of market. No other service digs this deep, which is no surprise since operating our stock selection system costs a 5-digit dollar amount every year.
The FALCON Method is a unique process I have built based on years of learning and experience. You may find some services out there offering individual elements, certain pieces of this process, but the truth is that these steps are logically connected, and if you leave one out, you either become vulnerable to costly mistakes or lower the probability of high performance. Once you have familiarized yourself with the process, you will not want to skip any of its steps.
You will get an email on the first Sunday of every month informing you that the latest newsletter is published on the site. You can log in to the site’s membership area with your username and password and access the latest newsletter in PDF format. (Of course, you can see all the previous newsletters there as well.)
As much as you need. Whenever you have questions, email me at I usually answer within 24 hours, and I most certainly guarantee that I reply to every email I receive
My experience says that many people are trying to time the stock market and are waiting on the sidelines most of the time. Let me put it straight and short: this strategy does not work! (I wouldn’t even call it a strategy.)
As legendary investor Peter Lynch says: “I can’t recall ever once having seen the name of a market timer on Forbes’ annual list of the richest people in the world. If it were truly possible to predict corrections, you’d think somebody would have made billions by doing it.”
The FALCON Method can always identify top-quality stocks that are on sale. The only difference between an overvalued and a depressed market is the number of bargains available. The wisest thing you can do is buy the quality stocks available on the cheap in any given market and stick to this strategy throughout your life. This is the recipe that really works and the time to start implementing it is NOW.
Have additional questions?
Contact me at